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Monday, 15 December 2008

Saturday, 13 December 2008

Sunday, 23 November 2008

Free People Search Engine---Searching Your Friend Here!

New kind free search engine, you can search your friend or the others here.You also can find relatives or some old friends here...
Try it! Its fun and free...!

Searching Here!

Saturday, 22 November 2008

Free SEO & Internet Marketing Google Gadget Tools

Keyword Research & Competitive Analysis Tools Gadget
Allows you to use all the major free keyword research tools from one location.
Links off to additional paid keyword research tools.
Links to popular competitive analysis tools and lesser known useful competitive analysis tools.

Link Analysis Google Gadget
Shows you the different ways to search for backlinks from the major search engine.
Allows you to see fresh citations from blogs via Google Blog Search and Technorati.
Shows reviews and citations from, Digg, StumbleUpon, and Wikipedia.
Links off to additional tools.

Friday, 21 November 2008

Easy Step Reach Non-English Speaking Readers





Français/French Deutsch/German Italiano/Italian Português/Portuguese Español/Spanish 日本語/Japanese 한국어/Korean 中文(简体)/Chinese Simplified


Google-Translate-Chinese (Simplified) BETA

Google-Translate-English to French

Google-Translate-English to German

Google-Translate-English to Italian

Google-Translate-English to Japanese BETA

Google-Translate-English to Korean BETA

Google-Translate-English to Russian BETA

Google-Translate-English to Spanish

Saturday, 16 August 2008

scrollable box

Put your stuff here

Bookmark and Share

scrollable box

Paste what you want to appear in the scroll box here

I have previously posted about How to avoid large white space above tables in Blogger.

Got some information from one of my blog reader about another way to do it, so will test it here to see if it works:

First table

This is the first table I am using for the test. The "data" in the table are actually hyperlinks.

My First Blogger blogMy Second Blogger blogMy Third Blogger blog
Blogger for DummiesBlogger Tips and TricksDummies Guide to Google Blogger

Second table

Heading 1Heading 2Heading 3
row 1 col 1row 1 col 2row 1 col 3
row 2 col 1row 2 col 2row 2 col 3

Update: As you can see, there are not large white space above the table.

Put your stuff here

Thursday, 14 August 2008